Thursday 29 May 2014

Website / Person


170 words

1.Write about a career-related website that you enjoy visiting.

You should:-

  • provide a link
  • describe the website (sections, features,etc)
  • say how often you visit the site
  • explain why you like the site.

2.Who is a person/expert on your field that you admire?


  • Who she/he is.(short biography)
  • What she/he has done. (examples of their work)
  • Why you like her/him.
  • Include his/her image

Well. I suppose the career related website that I visit most is the Guardian newspaper.

It's the website of a famous broadsheet newspaper in the UK. Politically it has traditionally positioned itself a little left-of centre. My uncle says it's for poofs and teachers. I started reading it at University and I haven't stopped since.

I visit the site every day, it's one of the pages that opens automatically when I connect to the internet. It's the only site I use to check on British news. I like it because it's completely free, well made and well designed and I generally agree with the opinions the writers have.

It also has quite a lot of international news which can be uncommon for British newspapers and has great sports coverage. The sports writers regularly make me laugh out loud because they all write with an attitude that says, sport is a silly triviality, despite being experts in the area and despite clearly having dedicated their entire lives to it.

There are also forums to leave comments and argue with uninformed idiots you'll never meet, and there are podcasts, programs in an mp3 format to download and listen to.

Online newspapers are struggling to make their businesses work but I really hope this page continues. I think it's probably the only web page I would be willing to pay for. Maybe.

Monday 26 May 2014

Homework post

Here are the details of the post you agreed to do for homework. Sorry for the delay.

Write about a photograph you like.

Who took it
What it shows
When it was taken
Why you like it
Upload it too
Include any other information you'd like to mention.Write at least 150 words.

At last. One of my favourite subjects. 

My father is a photographer so I have been surrounded by photos and cameras all my life. I nearly always carry a camera with me. At the moment I have a Canon G15 (a wonderful machine), my cell-phone (which is great for taking random photos of every-day life) and a GoPro. 

Right now I'm trying to improve my photography: Working with RAW images and trying to think about the image. This is one I took in Tierra Del Fuego in the summer.

I have lots of favourite photos. Some taken by my friends and family, some by myself. On this blog I'd like to talk about a photo called Migrant Mother by a photographer called Dorothea Lange.

Lange was taking photos during the great depression in the USA. This was a time when economic crises and poor management of the land forced hundreds of thousands of people to migrate west to California. They didn't have money or food and had to kill birds and scrounge vegetables to eat. Thousands died. 

The photo shows a mother, probably young but with a face hard with experience. Her two children bury their heads in her neck. It's an incredibly strong image and I think I like it because it looks a little like my mother, though she probably wouldn't appreciate me saying so. 

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Oral presentation details

Oral presentation

  • 3-3.30 minutes
  • Power point
  • Presentation relevant to your career
  • DO NOT READ – notes ok, memory better. 
  • 20% of final mark